The ASC 7400F makes Container Closure Integrity Testing (CCIT) a lot more pleasant.
No more messing with methylene or other unsympathetic dyes, just insert the vial, close the test chamber and start the test. Within seconds, the device will indicate OK/NOK; no more close inspection needed to detect a trace of dye in the vial, simply a reading that is either within or out of tolerance, with an according green or red light.
The method used is pressure/vacuum decay, a highly accurate measurement of (air) pressure variation in a custom-made test chamber, a method recommended by the FDA.
Multiple sizes of vials and/or syringes can be tested with the same device, using a smart system of removable test chambers with easy tool-less change-over.
Reference Vials
A set of Reference Vials, consisting of positive and negative control vials, validate the correct mounting and sealing of the test chamber, and the correct functioning of the test device; within minutes the device is ready for testing the samples of the new format.
A clear difference from preparing vials with micro-capillaries each time, which can only be used once.
After testing the desired number of production vials, the ASC 7400F automatically generates a control report in pdf format, available for download via a secure network connection.
ASC Instrument’s specialists are at hand for guidance, advice and studies to support CCIT projects from A to Z.