Book Managing safety, health and environmental health to appear at the beginning of september - Labinsights

Book Managing safety, health and environmental health to appear at the beginning of september

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48 views Last modified: 8 May 2023
Article image of: Book Managing safety, health and environmental health to appear at the beginning of september

Different chemicals and different methods of analysis are used in each laboratory. Such a fact does not make it easy to provide a standard guideline for working in the laboratory in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. This book helps the reader to better assess the risks that they may come across in their own unique situation, and to take suitable precautionary measures. An approach focused on sources is a central component of this effort. With the proper approach and common sense, each laboratory employee can find practical solutions that will make his or her workplace safer.
This book provides tips for working safely with chemicals, biological agents, radioactive substances, equipment, gas cylinders, cryogenic substances and glassware. Attention is also given to the physical load presented by lab activities.

This new edition includes the recent changes in radiation protection legislation and the changes in laser characterisation.
The text has also been adapted to incorporate the changes in the standards for gloves.
Finally, the latest developments in dealing with carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductively harmful substances have been included.

Bestelbaar bij Uitgeverij Syntax Media, isbn 978 94 91764 53 0. prijs €37,-.

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